Keywords: red-and-white, breed, local type, interbreed type, number, yield, record holders


In 2023, it was 30 years since the testing and approval of breeding achievements in dairy cattle – Ukrainian Red-and- White Dairy breed. To date, it is quite structured, it includes six local and three interbreed types, 13 local lines and a families of breeding herds. The research material was used from the State Register of Subjects of Breed Business in Livestock Breeding (State Breed Register) for 20 years. The analysis was carried out based on indicators of the number, yield and presence of highly productive cows, both the population and its structural elements. The current breeding base of the breed as of 01.01.2022 includes 48 subjects. It was established that 131 farms were reduced during the researched period. The number of local type herds ranges from 2 in Kharkiv and Bukovyna to 14 in Cherkasy, and interbreed herds – from 4 in Prikarpattia to 34 in Central. The maximum number of breeding animals was 125,955 heads, including 40,502 cows as of January 1, 2003. Over time, the breed decreased to 35,003 heads (-90,952 heads) and 17,120 cows (-23,382 cows) as of January 1, 2022. The share of cows of the Ukrainian Red-and- White Dairy breed in the overall structure of dairy and combined cattle breeding is 12%. The average value of the stock for the 20-year period in the breed is at the level of 79,105 heads, including 30,143 cows. A similar trend is observed in structural formations. It should be noted that, along with the decrease in the number of breeding animals, there is a positive trend of increasing the level of milk-valued cows. So, if on 01.01.2003 it was 3912 kg, then on 01.01.2022 it was 7387 kg, or increased by 3475 kg. The most productive are cows of the Kharkiv local type – 8785 kg and South-Eastern interbreed type – 8493 kg. The positive dynamics of the increase in milk yield was noted in the first-calf heifers and adult cows of the breed and type. It should be noted the quantitative changes in the breed, where the first-calf heifers on January 1, 2005 had a productivity of 3,819 kg, and on January 1, 2022 – 7,726 kg, with the corresponding values for full-aged cows – 4,274 kg and 7,460 kg. It is noteworthy that on January 1, 2015, the first average number of cows in a herd with a level of more than 10 tons was recorded. Subsequently, an increase in the corresponding herds, which are concentrated in the Vinnitsa, Kyiv, and Chernihiv regions, is observed. In addition, 141,249 highly productive cows were obtained during the research period, including 7,835 cows with a milk yield of more than 10 tons.


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How to Cite
Pochukalin, A. Y., Pryima, S. V., & Rizun, O. V. (2023). UKRAINIAN RED-AND-WHITE DAIRY BREED OF CATTLE – 30 YEARS: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF BREEDING ACHIEVEMENT. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1), 44-50.

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